My Science Midyear Benchmark

Last week, we took a benchmark test in Science class.  I scored an 88 on the benchmark.

Here's my item analysis:

What I noticed about the questions that I got wrong is that two out of the three of them are about the layers of the earth.  I'm not totally surprised that I missed those:  We studied the layers of the earth a long time ago.  But it does mean that I need to go back and check that content out again.  That's worth reviewing for sure.  

I think I'm most disappointed in myself for missing question 25.  It asked why the inner core of the earth is a solid ball of iron.  I answered that it was because of extreme temperature.  I should have realized that when I want something -- think snow or sand -- to be "more solid," I don't add heat to it.  Instead, I add pressure to it.  I think that's a question that I could have gotten right if I had thought a little more carefully.

What I'm proud of, though, is that I made mastery on almost all of my other objectives.  What I do the best is ecosystems stuff.  Food chains and food webs are easy for me -- and I'm also good at biotic and abiotic factors.

I think what I enjoy the most is talking about how humans impact the environment.  That stuff is really interesting to me simply because I know that humans are having an impact and if we think about our choices, we can make sure that our impact is a positive one instead of a negative one.


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