Portfolio Tools and Resources

Portfolio Tools and Resources

Portfolio Resources:

All of the students involved in the Gnomes Team Digital Portfolio Pilot Project must review, print, sign and return the permission slip linked below to Mr. Ferriter:

Digital Portfolio Pilot Project Permission Slip


Portfolio Tips for Parents:

One of the best ways to build momentum for your digital portfolio is to let your mom and dad know that you are writing!  By doing so, you will encourage comments and start conversations with the people you care the most about.  And let's face it:  Whether you want to admit it or not, your mom and dad know a thing or two.  I bet that they can help you to be an even better learner than you already are.  Here's a tipsheet you can share with your parents to get them more involved in your digital portfolio project:

Handout - Digital Portfolio Tips for Parents


Portfolio Entry Types and Examples:

You can write about anything that you want in your digital portfolio.  It is YOUR space to reflect on your own learning, so I won't control the things that you post.  BUT if you need some ideas, four types of posts that learners often write are called Proud Of posts, Working On posts, Thinking About posts, and Challenged By posts.  You can learn more about each type of post in the Google Doc below:

Handout - Different Types of Digital Portfolio Posts

Portfolio Challenge Posts:  

The best portfolios have a wide variety of content types and reflection styles -- letters to younger students offering advice, YouTube videos that writers learned something from, reflections on study strategies that are useful to learners -- in them, too.  That makes them more fun to read -- but it also makes them more fun to write!  See how many of the following Portfolio Challenges you can complete in the next few weeks:

Handout - Digital Portfolio Challenge Posts

Portfolio Tutorials:

Mr. Ferriter has recorded a bunch of short tutorials to introduce you to the different elements of your portfolio and the different features of Blogger as a tool. You can find those tutorials here:

Introduction to Your Digital Portfolio:

Getting to Know Your Learning Portfolio
Getting to Know Your Showcase Portfolio
Getting to Know the Sidebar of Your Portfolio

Using Blogger to Write Posts and Pages:

Creating a New Post for Your Learning Portfolio in Blogger
Updating Your Showcase Portfolio Pages in Blogger
Approving Comments on Portfolio Pages in Blogger


Portfolio Tools:

One of the keys to building an interesting portfolio is collecting different kinds of information.  Posts that have pictures, audio recordings and video reflections of the things that you are learning make your portfolio vibrant -- and a more accurate reflection of all of the different kinds of things that you are learning.  This page will contain a list of tools that you might be able to use to start to create a wide variety of content for your portfolio.

Be sure to read the terms of service for all of these tools.  You might not be old enough to have an account yet.  And be sure to get your parents' permission before using any of the tools.  They have the right to say yes or no to any of the content that you are creating!

If you are not old enough or not allowed to use the services below, Mr. Ferriter can show you how to use WCPSS approved tools and services to accomplish all of the tasks listed below.


YouTube - Everyone knows that YouTube is a great place to go and watch funny videos, right?  But YouTube is also a place where you can store videos that you've made -- and then embed those videos into your blog posts.  Simply record a video using your phone or a computer and then upload it to your very own YouTube channel.  Here's the hitch:  You have to have your own Google account.  Your school's Google Account doesn't include access to YouTube.

Screencastify - Screencastify is a Chrome Extension.  That's a button you add to your Chrome Browser.  Once it is installed, you can easily record anything that you see on your computer screen.  Then, you can upload your recordings to your Google Drive and/or YouTube.  That's useful when building a portfolio.  If  you want to show off work that you have done in Google Docs or Google Sheets -- or if you want to talk about a website that you've found or web content that you have built, Screencastify will help.

AZ Screen Recorder (Android) - There may be times when you want to record the screen of your tablet or your cell phone in order to show what you know.  For example, I recorded the screen of my cell phone when showing what I know about calculating percentages.  If you are using an Android device, AZ Screen Recorder is a great app for that.  It records easily and allows you to upload your finished product directly to YouTube.

Spreaker Studio (Android, IOS) - There may also be times when you want to record your voice, but you don't need to record any video at all.  I did that when I recorded my voice as I was narrating one of the poems that I read.  The tool that I like to use when recording my voice, but not video is Spreaker Studio.  It makes recording, posting and sharing audio content easy.


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